These are trying times for everyone. We are simultaneously confronted with the need to avoid being affected by the Coronavirus, feeling depressed by the self-isolation, business & community lockdowns, extra daily childcare responsibilities and duties for parents, and the stress of hustling up the financial resources needed to make ends meet. We are mindful of maintaining enough energy to stay hopeful, flash a passing smile to a stranger, and share some laughter with friends on a warm May evening. Yes, it is a lot to handle and maintain a reasonable degree of self-balance, health, joy, and love within our lives. No one should feel obligated to do much more than taking good care of self and family, while ensuring that our own behaviors are contributing to reducing the spread of the virus, flattening the curve, and shortening the time when our community can safely resume our social and professional life with ease.

While all of this is true, the Oakland town spirit in us continues to compel many folks to seek ways and opportunities to do more for others and the community we all share. No heroes, only regular folks choosing to do extraordinary things. Even some folks who we would normally consider to be heroes are choosing to do extraordinary things for ordinary folks in our community.

Two such people are @Stephen Curry and @Ayesha Curry. Last year they launched the Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation to help ensure that kids and families are provided balanced nutritional foods, as well as a good learning and playful environment.

In these uncertain times Steph and Ayesha and the foundation’s management team are providing more than 3,000 meals a day to folks in Oakland. Not just because they can afford it but because they are really committed to the values of family, love, community and want every child to have the same joyful childhood experiences as their own kids. @Kingston 11 is one of several Oakland based restaurants that are supporting the foundation’s daily meal services.

This week we had the pleasure of hosting Steph and Ayesha inside Kingston 11 for a short time. As we prepared food together, we shared our visions for this community. As it has always done, our love of food and desire to nourish people brought us together. Treatments and vaccines will be created to cure the virus at some point, but in the meantime, we want to live and love strong daily through simple acts of kindness and caring for one another.

One Love, Nigel

Eat Play Learn Foundation

Photographer: iambethhaniehines